Qualified and verified profiles
Access complete profiles of qualified freelancers whose information has been verified. These freelancers who are available and close to you are regularly evaluated by their clients.
A simple and secure tool to create your pool of freelancers, work in complete safety, monitor your projects and manage all your external resources.
A pool of more than 15,000 available freelancers, experts in the fields of marketing, communication, IT, events and consulting.
From the platform, access all of our services and teams to easily manage all of your external talents. Discover commercial portage, wage portage, our supplier compliance offers, sourcing and our training.
Contact UsInnovative matchmaking tools are made available to your teams to help them find the best freelancers for your projects.
An account manager specialising in recruitment will assist you in the choice of talent or the composition of your future teams.
Your entire relationship is secure.
One management tool is dedicated per project (planning, messaging, timesheet).
Customised KPI & financial data feedback can be provided to your company management or purchasing department.
Targeted information about your panel of independent experts can be shared with your HR department.
Benefit from numerous advantages by entrusting us with your year-round freelance recruitment volume.
Contact UsAccess complete profiles of qualified freelancers whose information has been verified. These freelancers who are available and close to you are regularly evaluated by their clients.
Our specialist recruitment team can meet all your needs, from urgent replacements to team building and long term projects.
Easy invoicing, a factoring solution and secure payments.
With Freelance.com you can gather your freelance pools, projects, invoices and reports on your external resources in one place.