
UX Designer, Full-stack developer

A freelance professional coach is a facilitator along the career path of your employees. 

Unlike consultants who provide technical solutions based on their expertise in a certain profession, a freelance professional coach supports employees during their internal transformations and helps them discover and consider solutions on their own.  

He is an ideal guide for the professional development of your teams. He analyses your needs and defines with you a training programme that will enable you to achieve your short and/or long-term objectives. His role as a mental trainer makes it possible to confidently envisage the professional changes that employees may face. 

His aim is to teach agents to optimise their global efficiency**,** to be more effective in their daily tasks, but also to be adaptable to changes in working conditions.

Similar to a sports coach or a school coach, a professional coach becomes a supervisor who matches your expectations and aims.

Who are the Coach registered on
46 year of average age
7 years of exp. in average
Average daily rate for a freelance Coach.

What skills does a Coach Professionnel need to master?

A Professional Coach takes a systemic approach to the environment and acquired experience of each profile. He defines new common or individual professional objectives by analysing each profile. He then finds the training courses adapted to the needs of the teams.

He has a variety of ways of working; he can help your teams improve productivity in their roles through NLP training. Using tools such as Ericksonian hypnosis, he is able to decipher the actual needs and objectives of your employees. Within a team, a freelance professional coach seeks to improve team cohesion and to exercise the collective intelligence of a group. A real springboard to professional development, he is trainer who seeks to optimise the resources available to the structure.

An HR professional coach helps your HR managers define action plans that promote smoother and easier job transitions. He support professionals during training and advises their teams.

In which project is a Coach involved?

Whether you are in the middle of retraining, looking for a professional transition or in the process of upskilling, a freelance coach is there to guide your decisions. 

A freelance professional coach is eligible for CPF. These coaches, certified by the RNCP, can act in the context of action plans for larger scale specialisations in your company. Together with other practitioners, they form the teaching team responsible for ensuring the professional development of your employees.

How to choose a Coach?

A good feeling is important when you first meet him and a professional coach needs to generate positive energy. His personality must be in line with the values of your company. He builds an ethical relationship of trust with your teams. He will work on the psychological factors of your agents, and his confidence and bearing must help your employees to place their trust in him. Moreover, soft skills (life-skills) are just as important as technical skills. 

A freelance professional coach may have had similar experiences to those required for your company. This makes him more valuable than other candidates.