Lighting director

UX Designer, Full-stack developer

A true show technician, the role of the freelance lighting director is to set up and manage the lighting and lights for an event or an audio-visual or television production.

He overcomes technical constraints, complies with safety rules and the regulations applicable to his job.

A lighting manager prepares and installs his equipment according to the project and the lighting possibilities offered by the site. He manages the wiring and carries out tests prior to the event. During the event, he is responsible for the right diffusion and play of light and the light effects.

He is in charge of the technical and artistic requirements of the project, and works in collaboration with the show technicians (set designer, stage designer, sound technician, stage-hands, stage director, lighting designer, technical director).

Who are the Lighting director registered on
34 year of average age
7 years of exp. in average
Average daily rate for a freelance Lighting director.

What skills does a Régisseur lumière need to master?

A freelance lighting director is an expert in lighting techniques. He knows how to install his equipment because of his knowledge of electricity and wiring. He can operate the special light computer console. He can cope with stress and works rigorously and methodically. He adapts when malfunctions occur during the event/show. 

His artistic streak enables him to create a memorable and artistic show. He always works in a team and must therefore have good interpersonal skills and be able to work in a group.

In which project is a Lighting director involved?

A lighting director may be involved in an event lighting project (ceremony, gala, show, etc.) or in audio-visual productions (lighting of a video, TV show, short or feature film, etc.)

How to choose a Lighting director?

Your freelance lighting director may specialise in lighting live productions or recorded audio-visual productions. This requires different skills and you must check that the profile you are interested in matches your project. 

Depending on the size of your project, go for a profile with the right level of experience. You can view the references of our various freelancers on their profile pages.